Decade After Neglect, Taraba govt house wears a new look as Darius host North-east Governors

 By Chuwang Dungs, Jalingo
After over a decade of being neglected the Taraba State government house Jalingo, is now wearing a new look following last minutes preparation for the North-east governors meeting held on Tuesday in the state capital. 
Eyewitness gathered that for over a decade now, the state government house had not experience any form of renovation or refurbishment. 
Thanks to the Northern governors for choosing the state as the venue for their 5th meeting: At least it as resulted to minor renovations, refurbishment and paintings at the facility which has housed all the military administrators and governors that have serve the state since its creation by the military administration of Gen. Ibrahim Babangida in 1991.
The executive council chamber where the meeting took place was completely renovated  and refurbished with new facilities fixed, while all the structures that serve as offices and residential including the main entrance gate were painted.
Our reporter also observed that part of the surrounding hitherto sandwiched with grasses and untrim flowers were trimmed and cleared giving the whole environment a new look.
Our correspondent reports that, the state government house has been in a terrible condition, due to several years of neglect by past and present administrations.
Apart from lack of total security facilities around the government house, the state number one building is faced with huged accommodation challenges due to its size and limited structures. 
Worst among the facilities in the government house are the toilets which are in bad shaped not befitting the status of a number one administrative nerve of a state.
The government house also lack emergency fire points and a fire service vehicle or department to tackle emergency fire cases.
Also due to the lack of a banquet hall at the government house to accommodate the visiting governors and other dignitaries and the total collapsed of the Dome tent at the dilapidated Taraba Motel, which hitherto serve as venue for the state big events, the executive Council chamber which cannot accommodate more than 50 persons was used as venue for the event, as a result of this security aides of the visiting governors, security aides of traditional rulers, some top government officials and some Journalists who were there to cover the events were denied access to the chambers due to lack of space.
The idea of the Taraba Motel Jalingo, situated at a treakable distance to the government house, was conceived and constructed by the administration of former governor Jolly Nyame, to provide modern and conducive recreation facilities to visitors and for hosting of indoor and outdoor events.
Since its establishment, the edifice has served as a major events venue and hosted several local, national and international activities in the state.
The building which had 90 rooms with an extension annex, twin dome auditorium which serves as event and conference halls, have hosted big government and privates events in the past. But unfortunately it as totally collapsed due to lack of maintenance and total negligence by the present administration. Our reporter observed that part of the dilapidated buildings have been transformed to residential settlement for security personnels and love nest for some randy government officials aides.
As a result of this development the state is said to be lagging behind other states in terms of a befitting and comfortable government house, when compared to what is obtained in other states across the country.
While declaring the event open governor Darius Ishaku, urged his visiting colleagues to make a concerted effort in ensuring the realization of the multi-billion-dollar Mambilla Hydro-Electric Power Project (MHEPP), with a capacity of 3050 megawatts. Stressing that when completed “it can generate half of the present national power output from all existing generation stations combined.”
He said aside from working towards the realization of the project, they should also work round the clock to ensure that the  access road linking the site which is located in Barup village, on the Mambilla  Plateau, of Sardauna LGA  is  constructed. 

“To this end”  the North-East Governors’ forum , as disclosed by him “needs to meet with the leadership of the National Assembly to press for budgetary provisions to be made in the supplementary appropriation as there is zero allocation in the 2021 Federal Budget.”
Adding that the  economic benefits of the power project, cannot be overemphasized, considering its potential to create hundreds of thousands of skilled and unskilled jobs for Taraba State, the Northeast region, and the entire country.
On his part the Chairman of the Forum and Governor of Borno State, Prof. Babagana Zulum said the meeting of the forum became necessary so as to advance regional cooperation to tackle the challenges of the region.
“Our coming together is to explore the opportunities available to the region and help solve problems facing the region.” He noted.
Apart from the Yobe state governor Mai Mala Buni,  who was represented by his deputy Idi Barde Gubana,  all the governors from the zone attended the meeting.

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