In Crisis, Everybody Is A Loser: The Bassa/Egbira Example

By Matthew Tukura

Friday the 2nd of November, 2018 was a day to many Nigerians both Christians and Muslim the usual Friday of every week of the month because it was neither good Friday nor El-malud, except for the Muslims being the usual Jumaat prayers. However, for the Bassa nation in the States of Kogi, Nasarawa, Niger, Benue and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, it was the return of the former glory. The day and date has solidly been written in their Guinness book of records, for it was the day the community with its graded Chiefs (Tugwama) led by His Royal Highness, Alhaji Bako E. Dogwo the Aguma of Benin paid a courtesy visit to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces, Muhammadu Buhari GCFR at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

In a prepared speech read on behalf of the community by Alhaji Mohammed Lukeman, two vital issues were raised before President Mohammadu Buhari by the community. One of the issues raised went thus: “Your Excellency, it is sad that despite concerted efforts by the Governor of Nasarawa State, Umaru Tanko Almakura and Kogi State counterpart, Alhaji Yahaya Bello, to bring peace and foster peaceful co-existence among the people of Toto Local Government Area in Nasarawa State and the Bassa Local Government Area in Kogi State, the Egbira continue to frustrate the peace efforts of the two Governors. The sad consequence of this development is that our people suffer incessant attacks in the hands of the neighbouring Egbira tribe in Nassarawa and Kogi States. Innocent lives and property are lost on a large scale in the guise of inter-communal violence and rivalry. For how long shall we continue to count our losses on account of the unjustifiable aggression of the Egbira people?”

“We like to appeal to Mr. President to prevail on the two governors to redouble their efforts in halting further killings and violence in the two communities and restore peace and security to our people who are mostly victims of the crisis. It would not be out of place for Mr. President to intervene directly in this regard as the security of life and well-being of Nigerians irrespective of where they are is one of the primary purposes of the Government.”

The second issue of interest which the Bassa delegation hinted President Buhari about was the poor representation of the Bassa people in Government which the President termed as “technically marginalized”.

Since the breakdown of law and order in April this year in Toto Local Government Area, a lot of write ups have been written on the age-long, incessant and totally worrisome Toto crisis

This write up is not to apportion blame on either of the communities but for the Bassa/Egbira people to look inwards and provide solution to their problems and pave way to their old time peaceful co-existence. It is indeed sad that the inter-communal violence has led to colossal loss of lives and property and the people themselves are the losers and in excruciating pains.

The bitter truth of the state of things in Toto local Government Area of Nasarawa State and Bassa Local Government of Kogi State where some settlements of the Bassa/Egbira people are interwoven is that we are more divided than ever before, the suspicion of one another tops the scale of preference.

The once food basket Local Government Areas have now become the field of bloodletting and home of hungry people because the present prevailing situation does not create conducive atmosphere for farming and other commercial activities and food security in the area is no longer guaranteed.

Recently, I read a scaring report by the United Nations Centre for Peace and Disarmament that said, approximately there are 500 million fire arms in West Africa and 70 percent, that is about 350 million of these fire arms are in Nigeria.

The implication of this arms proliferation is that no individual or group of persons has monopoly to violence.

The Stone Age did not end because that generation ran out of stones; it ended because the age witnessed advancement in development. The crisis is an enemy of development and for Toto and Bassa Local Government Areas to witness the desired and deserved development, weapons of mass destruction should not be knives and forks on the dining tables.

Until Bassa defend Egbira and Egbira defend Bassa, peace in its connotation remains an illusion, bearing in mind that peace is not just the absence of war, it is the presence of justice.

Imam Abdullahi Ibrahim aged 83 at the peak of Plateau crisis saved over 200 people on 23rdjune, 2018. Where are the Imam Abdullahis among the Bassa and Egbira people in today’s thirsty generation for human blood? Where are the fathers of the land? Where are the elders of the land? Where is the land that once was flowing with milk and honey? Where is political fairness and balancing? When will the bad blood transfused into the two neighbours who once drank from the same stream be drained out? Why are there killings at the slightest provocation? When will the time come when the broken relationship be rebuilt? The questions are numerous and endless.

In Nasarawa State, Toto was far ahead of other 12 Local Government Areas in the State because it was the first Local Government that produced the first Chief Judge (CJ) when the State was created in 1996, the present Chief Judge of the State is from Toto, the Speaker of the State House of Assembly is from Toto, it has also produced an Ambassador, it is the home of a retired Supreme Court Judge, the current National President Industrial Court is from Toto, among the Solicitors General in the country one is from Toto, the Chief Medical Director, Federal Medical Centre Keffi is from Toto, the chairman of the ruling party in the State is from Toto. The land is also blessed with graded traditional rulers up to First Class status with respected community leaders from different ethnic groups. Nature has blessed the area with abundant resources with one of the best gemstones in the world.

The point I want to drive home today is simple, that Toto is blessed with both natural and human resources and the land is big enough to accommodate all interest groups. But if, in fact greed takes the centre stage, then scarcity will be created in the midst of plenty.

The clarion call and appeal by the Bassa community to President Buhari to directly intervene in restoring peace in Toto and Bassa Local Government of Nasarawa and Kogi States respectively is a welcome development but I am of the opinion that major stakeholders should not relent in starting the process themselves.

The Bassa/Egbira elders should find a neutral ground to dialogue among themselves on the peace of Toto and Bassa. Men of integrity and fair mind must brainstorm and come out with ingredients that would bring lasting peace in Toto and Bassa Local Government areas. Dialogue is the best option out of any crisis and the need for urgent and genuine discussions for the soul of Toto is now. I believe a brand new Toto/Bassa is possible when issues at stake are identified and fairly addressed.

People of Toto think about this: “Toto Local Government was the most vibrant Local Government in the State. Its people are hardworking and resourceful, but the other Local Governments are now leaving it behind. It is therefore clear that the people themselves are the losers in this unfortunate development. This is a reason enough for the two communities to pledge to themselves that the seed of animosity will be allowed to fester no more for their own sake and the sake of the future generations of their people.

Humanity has always been forced to pay a high price for folly of a few, whether as Bassa or Egbira. If the crisis remains unresolved and the plights of the refugees are ignored, none of us would make any claims on good conscience.” (Abdullahi Adamu, former Governor of Nasarawa State, Monday July 3rd, 2000)

                Over the years, the Bassa community has been complaining of poor representation at the Local Government, State and Federal levels. The genuineness of the complaint should be looked into by relevant stakeholders at these levels, just as President Buhari assured the Bassa delegation that he would look into their plight of poor representation in government and the leadership of Federal Parastatals.

The leader of the delegation, who is also the Aguma of Benin, HRH Alhaji Bako E. Dogwo should be commended for taking such a bold step towards peaceful resolution of the crisis in Nasarawa and Kogi States among the Bassa and Egbira communities.

HRH, the Aguma of Benin commended President Buhari for re-engineering socio-economic fortunes of Nigerians and saving the country. The royal father said: “Mr. President, you have done well by the greatest things you are doing today in Nigeria. At the time one mentions your name in Nigeria, those who are criminals are on the run” and urged the President to sustain the Anti-corruption war and promotion of equality among Nigerians.

The National President, Bassa Cultural and Development Union (BCDU) Barrister Yusuf Huleji Wodi, the National Secretary of the Union, Gwatana Huleji Dogwo Kokulo were among the delegation that visited President Buhari in Aso rock Villa, Abuja

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