Wesley Commissions UMCN Hospital Chapel in Jalingo.

By Chuwang Dungs, Jalingo

The Resident Bishop of Nigeria Episcopal Area of the United Methodist Church (UMCN) Bishop John Wesley Yohanna has commissioned the Bishop Trimble hospital Chapel at the United Methodist Church Secretariat, Mile six Jalingo, Taraba state recently.
Speaking at the opening ceremony Wesley said the chapel is built to provide a conducive fellowship center for staff, patients of the hospital, and other church members working or residing within the secretariat. 
He also pledged to assist poor Patients who patronize the hospital through offerings generate from the Chapel.
“The UMCN Bishop Trimble Chapel will be used daily for worship, especially for patients who come to our hospital and others who will choose to worship in the Chapel and whatever fund realized in the Chapel will be used to help patients in our hospital, especially the poor ones among them who many cannot afford some treatment or buy drugs, whatever is within our reach that is what we will assist them with”. He said.
The Bishop also stressed that the Chapel will recruit and develop transformational leaders, engage in discipleship, transform lives and communities.
Speaking on the Choice of the Name Bishop Trimble Chapel, the Bishop said it was due to the contribution of Bishop Julius Trimble to the UMCN when he was a Bishop of the Iowa Conference in the United States of America.
According to him  Bishop Julius Trimble and the Iowa Conference Contributed to the development of the UMCN in the area of scholarship, orphanage, and healthcare delivery.
“The Iowa Conference of the UMC has contributed, by helping to shape the United Methodist Church in Nigeria, today we want to honor Bishop Julius Trimble by dedicating this Chapel in his name, Bishop Trimble when he was the bishop of the Iowa Conference had supported our orphanage, schools,  medical Programmes, and our various Church district, and till date, the UMCN still receive support from the Iowa Conference in the United States.”
“Bishop Julius Trimble had also initiated scholarship for some of our members to study in the United States of America courtesy of the Iowa Conference and so far we have our member who benefited from the scholarship and he is now a pharmacist in the United States and many others who are now graduates of the scholarship” he Noted”.

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